Wednesday, May 23, 2012

2011 AGM minutes



The meeting was called to order at 6.55 p.m. by the President, Bentley Barsenbach who was in the chair.

At the invitation of the President Harold Jansz led the opening prayer.

The President said that since the notice convening the meeting had been circulated it was taken as read.

In Memoriam
A minute’s silence was observed in memory of old Peterites of the pre 1970 group and staff whose deaths during the year 2010/11 were brought to the notice of the Committee.

Mention was made of the following:

Rev. Fr. Claver Perera, Dudley Sanis Harold de Silva, Melville Assauw, Lalith Ratnayake, Channa Gunasinghe, Horace Perera, Sarath Sudusinghe, Gamini Mannapperuma, Lalith Peiris, Harold Seneviratne, Francis Gunasekera, Russel Morias, Milton Cooray (Staff), S Sathurukulasingham (Staff) as reported in the Annual Report and the name of Raddy Ferreira was also mentioned at the meeting.

The following 36 members attended the meeting.

Bentley Barsanbech, Algi Wijewickrema, Stanley Lumanauw, Cedric Silva, Ranjith de Silva, Trevor Georgesz, David Crusz, A M A de Silva, Harindra Sirisena, Desmond Perera, Nihal Wijeratne, Srinath Fernando, Jayantha Atapattu, Harold Jansz, Neville Jayalath, Cyril Wijesena, Hilal Abdulla, Gabriel de Silva, Nihal Perera, Rodney Martinstyn, Malcolm Atton, Russell Weerappa, Michael Rodrigo, Chandra Fernando, Brian Gomez, I Cumaratunga, H N O R M Perera, Peter Goonetilleke, L M A Gomes, Srinath Kumarasinghe, M M Junaideen, G. St. E Brian Ratnayake, Tudor Jayaratne, Yaseen Omar (34 members)

Some undecipherable names:- U N Hapu….., and one other (2 members)

Godfrey Goonathilake, Ravi Fernado, Travis Fernando, Erajh Balasuriya, Barney Caldera

Adoption of the minutes of the 3rd AGM
Malcolm Atton proposed the adoption of the minutes of the 3rd AGM which was seconded by Desmond Perera and was approved by the house.

Adoption of the Annual Report
The adoption of the Annual Report was proposed by Jayantha Atapattu and seconded by Nihal Wijeratne, which too was duly adopted.

With regard to the scholarships awarded by our batch group the Hony. Secretary read out an email received from Anil Perera, a member of our batch group, offering Rs. 59,000/- to support our scholarship scheme.

Adoption of the Statement of Accounts
The adoption of the Statement of Accounts, which was circulated, was proposed by Jayantha Atapattu and seconded by Harindra Sirisena and was approved by the house.

Commenting on the improvement of the financial standing of our batch, the President congratulated the Hony. Treasurer and the Assistant Treasurer and thanked them for a good job done.

Address by the Batch Group President
The President thanked all present and welcomed Roshan Dharmaratne, the President of the OBU and Brian Ratnayake, the Branch President of the London OBU Branch.  He also thanked the Committee for the good work done during the year under review and said that to pursue the aim of running a Senior Citizens’ home for needy Peterites was considered by the Committee to be not practical and hence we would be looking at providing assistance to needy Peterites to find such homes.

He added that the scholarships awarded by the batch were welcomed by Fr. Rector who had assured that these scholarships will go to students supported by single parents.

The President said that the flagship event of this batch was the dinner for members and spouses and said that this year we would be able to accommodate more as the College Hall has been promised by Fr. Rector.

He also said that Fr. Rector had asked us to explore the possibility of helping in the College Archives and that the Committee had agreed to consider this request as our batch would be better suited for this assignment.

Election of Office Bearers for the year 2011/12
Prior to the election of the President, Bentley Barsanbech vacated the Chair and at his invitation, Mr. Roshan Dharmaratne, President of the OBU took the Chair as the pro-tem Chairman.

Post of President
Harold Jansz proposed the name of Bentley Barsenbach for the post of President and Jayantha Atapattu seconded the proposal.

With no other names proposed, Bentley Barsenbach was duly elected as the President and resumed the Chair.

Other Posts

Post Nominee/s Proposed By Seconded By
Vice President (2 posts) Jayantha Atapattu Proposed from the Chair
Harindra Sirisena -do-

Hony. Secretary Algi Wijewickrema Proposed from the Chair

Hony. Asst. Secretary Stanley Lumanauw    Algi Wijewickrema Harindra Sirisena

Hony. Treasurer Nihal Wijeratne Harold Jansz David Crusz

Hony. Asst. Tresurer Neville Jayalath Nihal Wijeratne Jayantha Atapattu

Committee Members
Nihal Perera Algi Wijewickrema David Crusz
Harold Jansz    Proposed from the Chair
Hilal Abdulla    -do-
Desmond Perera Harold Jansz David Crusz
David Crusz Malcolm Atton Jayantha Atapattu
Malcolm Atton Harold Jansz David Crusz
Co-opted Committee Members
Cyril Wijesena Malcolm Atton Jayantha Atapattu
Srinath Fernando Jayantha Atapattu Harold Jansz  

Election of an Hony. Auditor
The name of Cedric Silva was proposed by Gabriel de Silva and was seconded by Harindra Sirisena and accordingly Cedric Silva was duly elected Hony. Auditor.

Any Other Business
The house invited the OBU President to keep them informed of the affairs of the OBU and the Roshan Dharmaratne said that this group was one of the more vibrant and active groups and said that this was evident from the healthy bank balance. He said that the OBU had an excellent dance which realised Rs.13.5 million part of which was used for a project to repair and refurbish all the toilets in the College and also the pavilion. Answering a question raised by Jayantha Atapattu regarding swimming not reaching acceptable levels unlike some other sports, Roshan explained that all the sports which were supported by foundations were doing well and that last year a foundation was formed for academic activities and the results were encouraging with many entering the university and one student topping the A/L results from Colombo district. He added that while swimming did not have a foundation, this could be one of the tasks that the new OBU committee would have to undertake in 2011/12.

Batch Group Matters
Harold Jansz suggested that we announce the date for the dinner as early as possible.

Srinath Fernando said that the idea of the Elders’ home should not be abandoned and Brian Ratnayake said that a proper feasibility study needs to be done before assistance can be sought from any source.

The President said that these matters would be taken up as appropriate by the new committee.

There being no other business, the meeting concluded at 7.30 p.m. with short eats and cool drinks served.

Hony. General Secretary
Algi Wijewickrema

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