Tuesday, May 28, 2013


The Old Peterites' Group of Pre 1970
batch of Old Boy's Union of St Peter's College, Bambalpitiya

Membership- Any person who had been a student of St. Peter’s College and sat for the G.C.E. (Ordinary Level) Examination or Senior School Certifcate (SSC), prior to 1970 or left College prior to 1970, is eligible to obtain membership.

Come for the Annual General Meeting on Friday 31st May 2013 at the OBUH Ground floor, Secretariat @ 6 pm
Entrance via underpass to grounds next to pavilion

6th AGM Pre 70s old Peterites

Notice is hereby given that the 6th Annual General Meeting of The Old Peterites' Group of Pre 1970, will be held on Friday 31st May, 2013 at the OBU Secretariat (Ground floor – entrance through College Grounds) at 6.00 p.m.
  1. Read Notice convening meeting
  2. Opening Prayer
  3. 2 minutes silence in memory of Old Peterites who have passed away since last AGM
  4. Excuses
  5. Adoption of Minutes of 5th AGM
  6. Adoption of Annual Report
  7. Adoption of Statememt of Accounts 2012/2013
  8. Address of Patron
  9. Address by President
  10. Resolutions, if any (of which Notice has been given)
  11. Election of Office Bearers:- The following Office Bearers will be elected.

  1. President
  2. Senior Vice-President
  3. Vice-President
  4. Hony General Secretary
  5. Hony. Assistant Secretary
  6. Hony. Treasurer
  7. Hony. Assistant Treasurer
  8. Committee Members – 5
12. Election of Hony. Auditor
13.College Anthem
N.B. a) The following are ineligible for election for reasons indicated against names.
  1. Cyril Wijesena – Having been a Committee Member for 3 consecutive years.
  2. Nihal Perera – For Absence from Committee Meetings
b) Resolutions, if any signed by a Proposer and Seconder should be sent at least 10 days before the day of the AGM, addressed to the Hony. General Secretary.
By order of the Committee

Stanley Lumanauw
Hony. General Secretary

6th May, 2013

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Peterite activity in UK

Dear Peterites,
Our dynamic group of  Peterite 'new blood' , all eager to keep our BLUE WHITE GOLD, flag flying high,
have started off exceedingly well being nearly sold out of tickets for Baila Night 2013, with just 20 days
to go..!!!!. Please note that tickets will not be available at the door,,,,!!!!.
Peterite teams will be playing in all the following sports events and need your support - so come along
and cheer them to victory..!!!!.
  19     -  Sunday      0900   -   FOOTBALL FIESTA 2013.
                                                    7 a-side Football / Softball Cricket / Junior Football.
                                                    Ashford Town Football Club, Robert Parker Stadium,
                                                    Short Lane, Stanwell, Middlesex TW19  7BH.
   01    -  Saturday   1830   -    BAILA NIGHT 2013  at  Botwell Social Centre, Botwell Lane, Hayes UB3 2AB 
                                                     Dancing to music by EXCEED / SriLankan Buffet Dinner - Adults GBP15.00,
                                                     Children over 10 years GBP 5.00 per head. Dress: Smart/Casual (no trainers),
                                                     Car Parking: FREE after 1900 - Carriages Midnight !.
                                                     For tickets - call:
                                                     Shamila 07747678000 / Aravinda 07792148845 / Nirmal 07895361528 /
                                                     Charith 07825877416
  23   -    Sunday       0900   -   S.L. Schools'  TOUCH RUGBY 2013
                                                     at Northolt R.F.C., Cayton Road, Greenford, UB6  8BJ
  30    -   Sunday       1100   -   26th Annual General Meeting of St. Peter's College, Colombo OBU, UK Branch
                                                    at Eversfield Centre, 11 Eversfield Gardens, Mill Hill, London NW7 2AE.
                                                    Nearest Underground BURNT OAK, then Bus 114 going North towards Mill Hill
                                                    Broadway - stop at Goldbeaters Grove then short walk.
   14    -  Sunday       1200   -  PETERITE/JOSEPHIAN ANNUAL CRICKET "BIG" MATCH -
                                                    and Peterite Family day BBQ
                                                    at Winchmore Hill, London N21 3ER.
   28    -  Sunday       0900   -  SILVER JUBILEE  - 25th Annual -  FESTIVAL OF CRICKET -
                                                    at Merchant Taylors School grounds, Northwood, HA6 2HT.
                                                    Nearest tube: MOOR PARK on Metropolitan line.
   11   -   Sunday      1000    -  SAINTS' QUADRANGULAR  - Annual Cricket matches between:
                                                    St. Anthony's, St. Benedict's, St. Joseph's and St. Peter's.
                                                    at Winchmore Hill, London N21 3ER
   21   -  Saturday     0900     S. L. Schools'  FESTIVAL OF FOOTBALL 2013
                                                     at Winchmore Hill C.C. grounds, London N21 3ER.
Fellowship will prevail during the day and follow into the night after most events !.
All Peterites, whether members of the UK OBU Branch or not are welcome to join in the fun
and contribute towards the festivities in whatever way they can..!!!.
Brian Ratnayake
Hon. Sec.
Ph. 07710233469.