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Saturday, June 11, 2011
Monday, June 06, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 7.05 p.m. by the President, Bentley Barsenbach who was in the chair.
At the invitation of the President Harold Jansz led the opening prayer.
The President said that since the notice convening the meeting has been circulated to all it will be taken as read.
In Memoriam
A minute’s silence was observed in memory of old Peterites of the pre 1970 group who died during the year.
Mention was made of the following:
Rev. Fr. Dalston Forbes OMI; Deshamanya Dr. P R Anthonis; Brian de Silva; Dr. W D L Fernando; Ananda Ratnapala and K L G Morrison.
38 members attended the meeting.
Godfrey Goonathilake
Gabriel de Silva
Renton de Alwis
Chandra Fernando
Angelo Gunaratne
Duleep Samaraweera
Indra Cumarnatunge
Adoption of the minutes of the 2nd AGM
Hilal Abdulla proposed the adoption of the minutes of the 2nd AGM which was seconded by Harold Jansz and was approved by the house.
Adoption of the Annual Report
The adoption of the Annual Report was proposed by Algi Wijewickrema and seconded by Desmond Perera, which was duly adopted.
Adoption of the Statement of Accounts
The adoption of the Statement of Accounts, which was circulated, was proposed by Tudor Jayaratne and seconded by Ravi Fernando and was approved by the house.
Address by the Patron
Rev. Fr. Rector was not present
Address by the President of the OBU
The President of the OBU, Mr. Roshan Dharmaratne in his address, said that it was a pleasure to be present at the AGM of the Pre 70s Group. He said that the function organized by the Group at Dale Robot’s house was an enjoyable one. He mentioned about the various Foundations established under the aegis of the OBU and said they were rendering yeomen service to St. Peter’s, which he added was proven by the results achieved by our Cricketers, Ruggerites, and other sportsmen. He added that he was happy to record the establishment of an Academic Foundation and said that St. Peter’s should be a school of excellence that even other schools would want to emulate.
The OBU President mentioned about the projects in hand namely the Dance to raise funds for the OBU as well as to refurbish the toilets in the school, the juice bar with lockers for members, etc. He added that already 2 of the toilet blocks have been completely refurbished and said that the legal status with regard to having liquor in the private lockers in the juice bar was being explored.
In conclusion he thanked the Group President and his committee for the good work done and the cooperation extended to the OBU and invited all to attend the OBU AGM to be held on Sunday, 27th June, preceded by Mass and Rector’s breakfast.
Address by the Batch Group President
The President thanked all present and said the aim of this group was to build camaraderie and fellowship among the oldest of the Old Peterites. He said that the dream of this batch was to have a home for the Old Peterites who needed to be looked after in their old age and expressed the hope that all would support this noble cause.
Finally he thanked the Committee for the support given for all the projects handled during the year.
The following resolution of which due notice had been given was tabled.
That Item 13 Meetings – (2) AGM Quorum of the constitution of the Pre 70 Group be amended to reduce the quorum from 25 to 20. Proposed by Harindra Sirisena and seconded by Hilal Abdulla.
This was carried unanimously.
Election of Office Bearers for the year 2010/11
At the invitation of the President, Mr. Roshan Dharmaratne, President of the OBU took the Chair as the pro-tem Chairman.
Post of President
Harold Jansz proposed the name of Bentley Barsenbach for the post of President and Hilal Abdulla seconded the proposal.
With no other names proposed, Bentley Barsenbach was duly re-elected as the President and resumed the Chair.
Other Posts
Post Nominee Proposed By Seconded By
Vice Presidents Jayantha Atapattu Proposed from the Chair
Ravi Fernando -do-
Hony. Secretary Algi Wijewickrema Harold Jansz Harindra Sirisena
Hony. Asst. Secretary Stanley Lumanauw David Crusz Ravi Fernando
Hony. Treasurer Nihal Wijeratne Proposed from the Chair
Hony. Asst. Tresurer Neville Jayalath Nihal Wijeratne Harold Jansz
Committee Members
Harold Jansz Proposed from the Chair
Hilal Abdulla -do-
Malcolm Atton David Cruz Harold Jansz
Harindra Sirisena Ravi Fernando Stanley Lumanauw
Desmond Perera Ravi Fernando Stanley Lumanauw
Co-opted to the Committee
Cyril Wijesena Proposed from the Chair
David Crusz Harindra Sirisena Harold Jansz
There being no other business the meeting concluded at 7.45 p.m.
Hony. General Secretary
Algi Wijewickrema
Notice of the Annual General Meeting And Annual Report (2010-2011)
Notice of the Annual General Meeting
Annual Report (2010-2011)
Notice of the Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the 4th Annual General Meeting of the Old Peterites Group of Pre 1970 will be held at the OBU Lounge of St. Peter’s College (lower ground floor) on Friday, 10th June 2011 at 6.45 p.m.
Agenda for the Annual General Meeting
- Read Notice convening the meeting
- Opening Prayer
- Two minutes silence in memory of Old Boys and Satff who have passed away during the year
- Excuses
- Adoption of the minutes of the 3rd AGM
- Adoption of the Annual Report 2010/11
- Adoption of the Accounts for the year 2010/11
- Address by the President
- Resolutions
- Election of Office Bearers
The following Office Bearers will be elected:
- Hony. President
- Vice-President – 2 posts
- Hony. General Secretary
- Hony. Assistant Secretary
- Hony. Treasurer
- Hony. Assistant Treasurer
- 6 Committee Members
- Election of Auditor
- College Anthem
By order of the Committee
Algi Wijewickrema
Hony. General Secretary
25th May 2011
THE ANNUAL REPORT (2010 – 2011)
Minutes of the 3rd AGM
The AGM of the group was held at OBU Secretariat on 4th June 2010.
38 members attended the meeting and Bentley Barsenbach was re-elected Hony. President while Ravindra Fernando and Jayantha Atapattu were re-elected as Hony. Vice-Presidents.
Others elected were:-
Hony. General Secretary - Algi Wijewickrema, Hony. Asst. Secretary – Stanley Lumanauw, Hony. Treasurer - Nihal Wijeratne, Hony. Asst. Treasurer - Neville Jayalath.
General Committee members – Harold Jansz, Harindranth Sirisena, Hilal Abdulla, Malcolm Atton, David Crusz, Cyril Wijesena and Desmond Perera
Immediate Past President - Godfrey Gunathilake
Committee Meetings & Attendance
13 committee meetings were held and attendance of Committee Members at these meeting was as follows:-
No. | Name | Office | Meetings Attended | |
No. of Mtgs | % | |||
1 | Bentley Barsanbech | President | 13 | 100% |
2 | Ravi Fernando | Vice-President | 11 | 84.6% |
3 | Jayantha Atapattu | Vice-President | 10 | 76.9% |
4 | Algi Wijewickrema | Secretary | 12 | 92.3% |
5 | Stanley Lumanauw | Asst. Secretary | 12 | 92.3% |
6 | Nihal Wijeratne | Treasurer | 12 | 92.3% |
7 | Neville Jayalath | Asst. Treasurer | 9 | 69.2% |
8 | Hilall Abdulla | Committee Member | 11 | 84.6% |
9 | Harindra Sirisena | Committee Member | 10 | 76.9% |
10 | Harold Jansz | Committee Member | 10 | 76.9% |
11 | Malcolm Atton | Committee Member | 12 | 92.3% |
12 | David Crusz | Committee Member | 12 | 92.3% |
13 | Cyril Wijesena | Committee Member | 11 | 84.6% |
14 | Desmond Perera | Committee Member | 12 | 92.3% |
We record with regret that our Immediate Past President was unable to attend meetings due to ill health.
In Memoriam
We place on record the passing away of the following Old Peterites and members of staff (based on information received by our Batch):
Rev. Fr. Claver Perera, Dudley Sanis, Harold de Silva, Melville Assauw, Lalith Ratnayake, Channa Gurusinghe, Horace Brohier, Sarath Sudusinghe, Gamini Manapperuma, Lalith Peiris, Harold Seneviratne, Francis Gunasekera, Russel Morais, Milton Cooray (Staff) and Sathurukulasingham (Staff)
Get together Dinner at D. B. U. Hall – 27th November 2009
A very well attended dinner was held for members and their spouses at the DBU hall with music for dancing by Sam the Man. This has become a very popular event in the Calendar of the members and well wishers belonging to this group and Sam the Man kept toes a tapping with his music.
124 members, wives and well wishers attended this event and all enjoyed the evening.
The surplus recorded was Rs.251,386/-.
The Committee thanks the sponsors, well wishers, members and all who helped to make this event a success
Donation of Scholarships
Based on a decision taken by the Committee, a total of 7 scholarships were donated for the year 2011, for needy students attending St. Peter’s College. Out of the 7 scholarships donated, 5 were from the Batch funds while 2 were from the President, Bentley Barsanbech and the Vice-President, Jayantha Atapattu.
The value of the Scholarships donated was Rs.59,500/-
Rev. Fr. Rector, to whom our batch made this presentation, thanked the batch and assured that these will be used for needy students who in most cases were supported by single parents finding it difficult to meet the students’ expenses.
The Committee hopes to make this an annual award, depending on availability of funds.
50 Over Match At The Oval 12th March 2010
38 of our members and some guests of our group were present at the enclosure allotted for us to enjoy the 50 over match against St. Joseph’s.
The members present enjoyed the occasion thoroughly although we regretted the loss to St. Joseph’s.
The batch produced 100 caps for sale among members and well wishers.
A limited number of caps are available priced at Rs.500/- each and are fast selling.
Appointment of the Auditor
As an Hony. Auditor was not appointed at the AGM, the Committee agreed to appoint Lalith Dabera as the Hony. Auditor and the Committee wishes to thank the Hony. Auditor for conducting the audit of the accounts
The unaudited Accounts for the year 01st April 2010 to 31st March 2011 showed an excess of Income over Expenditure of Rs. 316,411.29 as against the last year’s figure of Rs.122,920.14.
St. Peter’s College Archives
Fr. Rector has requested our Batch to undertake the cataloguing and documenting records of the College Archives.
A team from the Committee will arrange for this to be commenced.
Looking Ahead
Though we had plans to start and manage a home for destitute old Petes, it is clear that such a venture would not be practical and the Committee suggests that the next Committee look at the possibility of assisting in the placing needy Peterites to Elders’ Homes which are professionally run by charitable Catholic institutions.
Algi Wijewickrema Bentley Barsanbech
Hony. General Secretary Hony. President
47/3, St. Rita’s Road,Mount Lavinia 57/11, Railway Avenue, Nugegoda
e-mail : algi.wijewickrema@gmail e-mail:
Tel : 077 2981330 Tel.071 2747728
Lend a heart and lend a hand,
And lift the flag on high,
Let its glorious colours give,
A greeting to the sky
Golden gleam and Silver sheen,
And blue that crowns the world,
Set the flag aflying boys,
And keep the flag unfurled.
While in boyhood here we linger,
Mid a garden’s fragrant flowers,
Who will dare to point a finger
When such joys are ours?
Work enduring, play alluring,
Fill our happy hours,
Ills all curing, health ensuring,
In St. Peter’s bowers
And our flag is floating proudly,
Let us sing it praises loudly
(Repeat chorus)
Pre 1970s group AGM 2011
Notice of the Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the 4th Annual General Meeting of the Old Peterites Group of Pre 1970 will be held at the OBU Lounge at St. Peter’s College (lower ground floor) on Friday, 10th June 2011 at 6.45 p.m.
Agenda for the Annual General Meeting
- Read Notice convening the meeting
- Opening Prayer
- Two minutes silence in memory of Old Boys and Satff who have passed away during the year
- Excuses
- Adoption of the minutes of the 3rd AGM
- Adoption of the Annual Report 2010/11
- Adoption of the Accounts for the year 2010/11
- Address by the President
- Resolutions
- Election of Office Bearers
The following Office Bearers will be elected:
- Hony. President
- Vice-President – 2 posts
- Hony. General Secretary
- Hony. Assistant Secretary
- Hony. Treasurer
- Hony. Assistant Treasurer
- 6 Committee Members
- Election of Auditor
- College Anthem
By order of the Committee
Algi Wijewickrema
Hony. General Secretary
25th May 2011
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